Malebolgia is a Ni No Nightmare

Ah, Steam Greenlight–a pool of excellent indie ideas and potential. Today’s pickings, as always, comes from the horror genre. Taking place in the 19th century (and hell) Malebolgia caught my eye instantly due to its neat graphic style not seen too often in horror games. Malebolgia puts players into the armor of a fallen General as he works his way through a randomly generated demon fortress.

Equipped with a torch for light and a variety of attacks, Malebolgia pits the General against monsters and the mastermind behind his imprisonment, The Shadow. The game is said to take inspiration from gothic poetry, especially Dante Alighieri’s Inferno.

Malebolgia is currently on Steam Greenlight, go vote for it! Be sure to follow our official Greenlight Collection as well for horror titles like this one, that catches our eye.


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