This article is not really news as much as it is a small review and a recommendation, I am not even sure if this is a recent story or if it is very popular, but this is for the people who don’t know it. This is the link to the story. This delightful little tale is about a young lad who buys the game “The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask” from an old man on a yard sale, only to find out that it is possessed by something evil, rather similar to how the little girl was possessed in “The Exorcist”. The cartridge starts messing with the game, changing things and making the boy feel uncomfortable playing it; music plays backwards, characters spontaneously catch fire and animations get stuck in endless loops. As the story progresses we slowly watch the events escalate as the young gamer starts going insane.

People who are familiar with the game may remember the many odd moments that could often be rather scary; the statues with their empty gaze, the haunted mask and the moon with the face that slowly got closer to the world as time passed. The author of this story took all that and mixed it with a good bit of The Exorcist and I even sense a little influence from H.P. Lovecraft’s “Dreams in the Witch House”. I was having a lot of fun with the story’s first chapter and I loved all the recordings the author made which is a nice alternative for people who dislike reading, plus they showcase an amazing amount of hacking skills.
However, the story didn’t really stay on the same level for me, after the first chapter the novelty wore off for me and it got rather silly after a while. This continued until it started to feel like a rather good parody and the horror had completely diminished at that point. It’s too bad, but I still want to recommend reading it because you will never find anything like it, so it’s worth reading for the utter uniqueness alone. Oh yeah, the game is actually pretty swell too, try it out if you’re into that kind of stuff.