Machinarium Developer Announces Horror Adventure Game ‘Creaks’


Amanita Design, the developer behind award-winning adventure games Machinarium and Botanicula, has revealed their latest title: Creaks.

While light on details, the reveal of Creaks shows that the developer is playing to its gameplay and art strengths. Creaks features stylistic hand-drawn visuals and a creepy atmosphere coated in grim darkness. The game’s visual design is detail-rich and wonderfully gothic, following the studio’s previous — also gorgeous — titles.

The tag line for Creaks  is “meet your new neighbours.” What does that mean? Well, if the teaser trailer is any indication, it looks like the game’s protagonist finds himself in a world beyond one of his walls. And of course he goes through it. That’s how you get yourself in scary situations, guys. Just stay in your room forever, like me.

Creaks is headed to PC and unspecified consoles in 2019.

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