Lithium: Inmate 39 coming to PS4

Marlon Cascante of CanuArts has taken to the PlayStation Blog today to talk about Lithium: Inmate 39, a quirky psychological horror game starring a body dysmorphic psychiatric patient.

The game appears to be heavy on environmental obstacles and puzzles that must be conquered in order to avoid dying in a bloody splat. The game features over 30 different enemy types “inspired by drawings created by real psychiatric patients” (cool?) and over 200 traps / puzzles.

Despite some questionable language about the game’s handling of its mentally ill characters and inspired world, Lithium: Inmate 39 looks unique and weird. Playing as a little goblin man could be amusing as well. And the art style is nice.

Lithium: Inmate 39 is due on PS4 “soon”, and DLC is already planned.


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