Just in time for the Weekend, Valve and Rebellion announced an interesting cross-over event between their two zombie blasting franchises. As a result, the entire cast of both Left 4 Dead titles will get caught up in some time travel shenanigans, which teleport them back to 1940’s Berlin. Just in time for Hitler to unleash his own zombie apocalypse.
What this comes down to is that you can now play your favorite characters from Left 4 Dead in Zombie Army Trilogy. While ZAT is a lot more centered around sniping and traps than the more action-packed L4D, both are zombie shooters intended to be played in groups of four about fighting your way through missions with various checkpoints along the way where you can restock. The trailer below shows off the models created for this cross-over and a free comic explaining the back-story of this event can be downloaded from the source.
Due to a Weekend Deal, Zombie Army Trilogy is currently discounted by 66%, putting the price at 15 dollars/euros or 10 pounds, depending on where you reside.
