After many years of inactivity, it seems that Valve will be dropping new content for the beloved Left 4 Dead 2.
Community modders are spearheading the development of “The Last Stand Update,” which was originally a Left 4 Dead 1 campaign limited to only one map (as opposed to the standard 4-5 maps) and most notably known for its lighthouse setting. The Last Stand was the only campaign to not get officially ported into Left 4 Dead 2, which is kinda odd. The aforementioned lighthouse can be seen in the teaser trailer below, effectively confirming the connection between the campaign and the upcoming update, but further details are not yet available.
It’s pretty safe to assume that The Last Stand will be a port of the original campaign, but considering that Valve is involved in some official capacity, I wouldn’t be surprised if the update was more expansive than that. Given how short the original was, I’m hoping that various new maps will be added to bring The Last Stand up to the standards set by the other campaigns.
This isn’t the first community-led update for the series; back in 2011, Valve added the Cold Stream campaign which featured heavy assistance from modders. What is interesting about all of this is that Valve is now getting involved with a fan creation almost a decade after a game’s original release. I hope this means that Valve intends to do something with the IP, even if it just means future updates for Left 4 Dead 2. Fingers crossed.