Latest Silent Hill: Downpour trailer has car-armed monster with a monocle (Update)

Update: Yep, it’s an oldie. Tomm Hulett, producer on Downpour got back to me and stated that the video is “over a year old and was never meant for release”.

I’m not quite too sure that the following Silent Hill: Downpour trailer should even have been released yet, but damn it, let’s talk about it.

GameStop Canada released a new Silent Hill: Downpour trailer today. I’m not entirely sure why, seeing as TGS would be the prime location to release a new trailer, but judging by the “quality” of the trailer, I’m not too sure that it was meant for the public just yet.

Commentary and code information is on display during select scenes in the trailer. There are also odd scenes where Murphy is just standing still; the lip sync is off; The Void was originally made of black smoke as a placeholder, which makes that footage old; and lastly, some scenes look a bit older in graphical quality. This leads me to believe that the trailer was not yet completed or never meant for the consumer’s eyes.

There are some new scenes to check out, and a boss encounter. I’m really hoping that wasn’t the last boss. If you have any worries regarding the revealing of new creatures of bosses, you might want to look away at the :53 second mark.

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