Latest NightCry Trailer Does Little to Ease Concerns

Playism Games has today release a brand new trailer for NightCry, the spiritual successor to the Clock Tower, and it looks … *sigh*.

NightCry‘s latest trailer is supposed to be representative of the current state of the game, which is near-complete as it will officially launch this spring on PC. But by just looking at the trailer, you can see first-hand the problems that the game still has: a terrible camera, poor animations, ridiculous hair physics, and what’s sure to be poor player control. There appears to be no significant change to the problems I found in the alpha demo released a few weeks ago. As a backer, I’m disappointed to say the least. And yes, while this is a port of a mobile game, the alpha was not mechanically sound. It was quite frustrating actually.

The dev team states that they’re utilizing feedback to improve the game daily; I hope this is true. But unless they show otherwise, I don’t expect NightCry to be the game many fans were hoping for. Personally, I hope that the game will at least be amusing (and playable). That way I can get some ironic enjoyment out of the $20 I dropped on this. Also, the game’s Steam page is up if you’re interested in knowing.

Are you a backer of NightCry? How do you feel about the state of the game? Let us know in the comments.


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