DayZ has today received a new update to its experimental branch, further increasing the game’s weapon repertoire. Discovered by players were new spawns for both an SMG and a flashbang. Along with grenades which were added in the last experimental update (which will be released for all on Wednesday), flashbangs are the second tossable weapon type available in the game. As expected, the flashbang temporarily blinds those within a certain distance of the explosion. Additionally, the MP5-K joins the recently added AKM as the latest machine gun added to the game and uses 9mm ammo.
Along with those new weapons was the addition of yet another new town in the northern part of the map. Northwest of Svetlojarsk a small lakeside town has been added. Along with the town there are reports of updates to loot spawns in the North West Airfield and roof railings added to all police stations.
The only bug report documented that I can find is an issue with melee combat, although that is said to be addressed in a hotfix within the coming days by Brian Hicks of Bohemia.
Experimental update 0.46 can be accessed through DayZ‘s Steam settings.