Latest Amy video shows off stealth, horror, and combat

With every video released, AMY looks better and better. I love to hear the developers of a survival horror game accentuate the genre’s importance to gameplay. With the latest video of AMY, the developers have done just that.

Stealth, and combat are both used in AMY, but the safer path relies on stealth. In the video, we can see Lana tuck Amy away in a closet for safety. The two can also hide together to avoid confrontation.

Later in the video, combat is explained. In a true survival horror experience, Lana has very little combat skill. Seeing her struggle with a weak stick against enemies looks to make combat frantic and unsafe. It appears a bit clunky, but what good survival horror game doesn’t have somewhat clunky combat?

AMY’s release date has yet to be pinpointed by the developer, but expect it to sometime next month.

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