Killing Floor 2 to get Versus mode with playable Zeds

It looks like Tripewire has big plans for Killing Floor 2‘s multiplayer. At the PC Gamer Weekender event (via Destructoid’s residential sexy man, Zack Furniss), Tripwire Interactive president John Gibson announced that a versus mode will be coming to the game, pitting human players against the mutated Zeds. There’s no time frame on when this new mode will come to the game, and whether or not its release will be pre-launch or during Early Access, but the first details make it sound quiet interesting.

Essentially, two teams will battle it out with playable Zeds having unique abilities based on their mutations and such. Crawlers can leap, Slashers can jump roughly twenty feet in the air, Stalkers remain invisible when not running, and Clots can rally other grunt Zeds. Both bosses are said to be playable as well.

This mode sounds pretty exciting, letting players take the reins of the nasty mutants they’ve killed in droves over the last several years. Here’s hoping it’s well balanced, fun, and very, very bloody.


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