A new video for Killing Floor 2 has arrived, and it’s brought a lot of blood. In this second part of the Developer Diaries (which is the second part of part two, ohmygoshstopwiththetwos) we get to see more of what Tripwire Interactive is doing with the gore systems in the game. Whereas the last video focused on the dismemberment involved in the new M.E.A.T (Massive Evisceration and Trauma) system, this one focuses on the melee, newly revamped Zed time, and the way they’re integrating the spillage of blood into the maps.
We’ve known that blades are an integral part of the combat system in Killing Floor 2, but now we’re getting to watch it in action. There are now directional attacks a la Shadow Warrior, blocking and parrying, and the quick strike attack. When switching to a katana, you will instantly do a flourish with your weapon that’ll attack whatever monstrosity is in front of you. Awesome. Zed time now desaturates all color from the world except for red, which Killing Floor has an abundance of. Watching it in motion is glorious. As far as the blood goes, disappearing blood has always been a pet peeve of mine in horror games. What Tripwire has done here is made it so every texture in the game is pre-coated in blood (or something, I’m not a technical guy) which makes it easier to render. Any crimson ichor you spill during a match will stay there ’til the end. This combined with the semi-destructable environments should lead to some satisfying carnage.
I’m hoping the next video gives us a little more info on when and if Early Access is still happening, though I have a feeling we’ll be seeing the Scrake reveal soon. If Early Access IS happening, I’m thinking the two maps that have been shown (Burning Paris and the new Biotics Labs) will be what we’ll get to try out, along with just a few classes and weapons. Whatever it is, I need it. This is my most anticipated game of 2015. Check out the video below.