It’s a shame we didn’t have this option from the beginning, but as they say, it’s better late than never. Deep Silver has today announced that Killer is Dead, Grasshopper’s latest cell-shaded weirdness, is coming to PC.
Titled the Nightmare Edition, Killer is Dead‘s PC release will include the Nightmare difficulty, where only Adrenaline Burst, Dodge Burst, and Headshots cause damage to enemies. A theater mode and the Smooth Operator DLC will also be included in the package.
While I’m confident that the game will look and perform well on PC, I still have major issues with the game’s writing and characters. In my review I called Killer is Dead, “an OK action game with a horrible plot that seeps desperation from its developer to outdo themselves.” I had some big issues with it, but at least it’s now coming to a platform where its art style – something I really liked about the game – will shine and more people will get to play it.
Killer is Dead: Nightmare Edition will be arriving to the Master Race platform on May 9 for $19.99. Check out the trailer below to be as confused as I was when I played the game.