Keiichiro Toyama, Creator of Silent Hill, Gives First Look at New Game

Following December’s announcement that Keiichiro Toyama, the creator of Silent Hill (along with Siren and Gravity Rush), was leaving Sony to form his own game studio, we’ve eagerly been awaiting news of what the first game from said studio would be. While the game is obviously still in very early development (probably not even beyond a few basic concepts), Toyama shared a first look at what the new title is during an explorative spotlight video on his new studio’s YouTube channel. Much to our joy, the game is indeed a return to his horror roots, with a slew of disturbing looking creature and scenario designs to give us a taste of what’s in store for us in the future.

From the video:

“Regarding our first game, I have multiple directions for my works. The one I took is quite dark, far from my more recent titles. It’s like I’m coming back to my roots, for example towards horror. My ideas were starting to go in that direction. This is where I’m taking my first title. However, rather than something deeply rooted into horror, I want to keep an entertainment note. While keeping elements from horror, I want the player to feel exhilarated while playing the game.”

Toyama goes on to explain his philosophy when it comes to horror, going over how he sees it as “everyday life being shaken”. The whole video is super interesting and well worth a watch.

There’s no way of knowing when we’ll be getting to see more from this game, let alone play it, but for now, it’s comforting to see him jumping back into spooksville. We’ll be keeping an eye on Toyama, and Bokeh Game Studio, for any more information.

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