Indie developer Jasper Byrne has recently revealed how Trophies will work in the upcoming PlayStation port of Lone Survivor. After many discussions on how best to handle Trophies in his horror title, Byrne and Sony settled on a unique method that I’m sure horror enthusiasts will appreciate. Sony will be allowing Byrne to have Trophies only appear either when the main character sleeps or upon game completion. The reasoning behind this is due to Byrne wanting the game’s Trophy notifications to be as “unobtrusive as possible”–only appearing outside of gameplay and not ruining the immersion of the game.
Byrne also has noted that the game will come with a suggestion to turn off notifications if it’s the player’s first time playing through the game. It doesn’t end there, he has stated that most Trophies will remain secret in order to prevent trophy hunting, potentially souring the experience for the player further whether they mind or not. It seems he wants the experience to be as immersive as possible, and thankfully Sony is letting him. Aside from notifications and quelling Trophy hunting urges, Byrne has also said that obtaining the Platinum Trophy will require a lot of searching through the game, with more content awarded once acquired.
Despite he not being a huge fan of Achievements/Trophies, I really like Jasper’s approach to them. The PlayStation version will be my first full foray into the game, and I don’t mind taking his suggestions to get the optimal experience. I’m looking forward to it.