Hey, I’ve got two hands, I need two beers — to celibrate that is! After an apparent leak in-game leak (although it might have been simple teasing), Ash Williams from the Evil Dead franchise is officially joining the cast of Dead by Daylight. Voiced and modeled after Bruce Campbell no less!

From the press release:
Behavior and global content leader Lionsgate are taking PAX East by storm today by announcing a new survivor for the game Dead by Dayligh t®: the demon hunter par excellence , Ash Williams, from the acclaimed STARZ Original Series Ash vs. Evil Dead . The new survivor will be available in-game on April 2 nd . The Montreal-based studio worked with Amazon to implement GameOn Tournament Organizer, a Twitch extension that empowers streamers to build and engage with their communities.
Ash Williams arrives as the blowhard heroic monster fighter. 30 years after encountering creatures of unspeakable evil that he returned to Ash vs Evil Dead as America’s oldest one-handed stock boy. Now, he’s back again in Dead by Daylight .
This DLC includes:
– One Survivor and Perks: Ash Williams
Ash Williams plans to launch a PC through Steam and other digital distribution channels on PlayStation 4® and XBOX One on April 2 nd .
On March 28 th to 31 st , attendees at PAX East will get to play as Ash Exclusively for the first time at the Dead by Daylight booth (13109)
All pretty exciting, although a little sad to hear that nothing else is included. I guess the game already has a cabin map but it’s not the cabin. It is totally awesome to see Bruce Campbell voicing him again though, and the likeness is wonderful (especially considering that of the numerous licensed survivors, literally none of them look even a little bit like their actors, most likely for legal reasons). I am curious about the voice though — the survivors in Dead by Daylight don’t… talk. In fact, Ash rambling and joking during gameplay would make him an instant target for the killer, as sneaking around is the bread and butter of the game. Of course, maybe he’ll start bitching and quipping once he’s down, or being carried and hooked by the killer. My favorite possibility though is the idea that they hired Bruce, brought him in to do voice work, and all he did was the grunts, yelps, and wheezes that all the other survivors make. That sounds god damn hilarious to me.