Is Housemarque working on a Dead Nation sequel?

Ever since Dead Nation: Road to Devastation, I haven’t exactly picked up and played Dead Nation again.  Although when I first played it, I played the hell out of that game.  I always wondered if there would be a sequel.  I’m not the only one, there are probably millions of us out there, all waiting with our cyanide pills.  Oh you haven’t played Dead Nation?  Dammit, your country needs you!  Anyway,  Will Powers tweeted his longing for a sequel to Dead Nation into the Twitterverse and the Housemarque team happened upon it and responded.

Granted, it could also be taken completely the opposite way, too.  Housemarque’s Facebook page states that they’re working on a number of new projects, but doesn’t really go into detail on what those projects might be.  However, there’s a good possibility that the team will release something in 2013.

Dead Nation 2?  Dead Nation 1 for the Vita?  More DLC?  We’ll have to wait and see.


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