inSANE cancelled, THQ gives rights to Guillermo del Toro

The incredibly mysterious Guillermo del Toro horror game, inSANE, has been cancelled after an extended information drought. The last time we talked about inSANE, THQ had announced the project as a trilogy despite having shown nothing from the first game.

“We have decided not to pursue further pre-production on Insane, and have returned all of our IP rights to Guillermo del Toro,” THQ president Jason Rubin announced. Announced at the 2010 Spike TV Videogame Awards, del Toro’s horror game has spawned nothing more than a teaser trailer. THQ goes on to say that the game “was in very early development”.

There is a silver lining to this unfortunate news;  THQ has given Guillermo del Toro all of the rights to the IP so that he is free to take the project to a different publisher if he so chooses. It’s a bit strange that the project hadn’t developed much since its 2010 announcement, but I’m hoping del Toro sticks with it and finds a new publisher in order to bring his idea to life. I’m a fan of a few of del Toro’s films and would like to see him bring his creativity to videogames.


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