Delve Into Playmind’s The Inner Friend in New Trailer

The Inner Friend

Playmind recently released a new trailer for their upcoming psychological horror game, The Inner Friend. The game is set in the world of the subconscious, a world of materialized memories and traumas, a world where all childhood fears must eventually be faced. The Inner Friend features a hands-off approach to their storytelling; the game relies primarily on imagery and its soundtrack, rather than spelling out its narrative. It also promises diverse gameplay mechanics and puzzles. Players will be forced to find unique ways to overcome each threat they encounter if they are to survive.

I find the world of The Inner Friend to be a fascinating one, partially because I am a sucker for surrealism, but also because of the evident creativity applied to the game’s environments and their inhabitants. I am particularly interested in the naked berry man shown in the trailer below, and I desperately want to know what his deal is.

The Inner Friend will be releasing September 6th; you can find the official Steam store page here.

Disclosure: Our Editor-in-Chief briefly did PR for developer Playmind earlier this year, but that is no longer the case. This has no impact on our coverage.

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