Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded Age Returns as Co-Op FPS

Three years ago Crytek had a multiplayer horror game named Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded Age. At E3 2014, then-editor Zack and I were both pretty interested in the game based on the gameplay session we sat in on. It was a Lovecraftian multiplayer title where four hunters faced waves of classically inspired monsters and ghouls. Crytek faced some financial woes (as they do) and the project was seemingly cancelled … until today.

Revived as Hunt: Showdown, a two-player co-op first-person shooter (according to Dtoid). Details are thin at the moment, but a teaser trailer dropped this morning re-announcing the project. With E3 right around the corner, I assume we’ll learn more there. Hopefully the scope of the project and theme hasn’t changed all too much. I mourned the loss of this title before, as the concept and gameplay was very appealing. Here’s hoping it’s still worth keeping an eye on.

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