Remember the early days of the indie scene? When Braid and Limbo were everywhere and everyone was talking about them? Well, Hunger certainly brings those memories right back, since, at first glance, it looks like something that would fit right in between those two legendary titles.
The setup is that the player controls “Six”, a cutesy young girl who is trapped in a hellish, undersea domain called “The Maw”. As Six, players must platform around the huge environments and avoid various monsters while they are at it. We have heard the term “Lovecraftian” thrown around with reckless abandon a lot in this part of the industry, but Hunger seems to fit the bill a lot more than most other titles, since the monsters easily tower over Six and the whole “undersea hell” theme is pretty similar to the sunken city of R’lyeh. Just watch the trailer below and I am sure you’ll agree that it looks absolutely monstrous, exactly what horror fans adore.
The game is developed by Tarsier Studios who received a grant from the Creative Europe program and publisher Nordic Games. They have previously being responsible for products like Little Big Planet for the PS Vita and Tearaway Unfolded, so I am pretty confident in their ability to pull off another great 2D platformer.