The Evil Within‘s developer Tango Gameworks opted to have their horror game sport an aspect ratio referred to as cinemascope, producing an effect much like a wide-angle camera. While this 2.66:1 effect is one that I can respect as an artistic choice, many players of the game on PC wish that they had an option to remove the game’s black bars and enjoy the game’s environments unfettered. And thanks to the willful drive of modders out there, a solution has been made available. Multiple in fact.
As of last night, I was alerted to this NeoGAF post linking to a series of tweaks that allow players to remove the game’s black bars and adjust the game’s FOV accordingly. This method requires a little work, so I’m glad I was able to discover an alternative, single application solution to freeing the game’s aspect ratio. It’s called Flawless Widescreen, an app that runs in the background, enabling additional widescreen support for games with limited options.
Using Flawless Widescreen is as simple as installing it, looking for The Evil Within plugin in the dropdown menu and checking a few boxes. Tweaks for the game’s aspect ratio, FOV, and even bloom effects are available. It works … flawlessly (at least for me).
It’s my hope that Bethesda updates The Evil Within on PC to officially allow for more options. Until then, at least we can count on modders to give us the customization that so many PC ports seem to forget to include these days.