Being subject to a break-in is a very common fear that has lent itself to plenty of films and established our ever-growing market for home security. Developer Dynamic Pixels wants to spin that concept around (with your financial help) and have you infiltrate the dwelling of a suspicious resident across the street ala Rear Window, Disturbia, or The ‘Burbs.
In Hello, Neighbor!, our paranoid nemesis has boarded up his basement in his rather large house and you want to find out why. As you attempt to break in, the enemy’s AI will learn from your tactics and begin to route you when you attempt to escape, set traps in weakly guarded areas, and even predict your own habits; thus making the game harder the more attempts it takes. The door to the basement itself is heavily guarded with multiple security options that have to be unlocked with different requirements around the home including a standard lock, keycode, and wooden boards. Another key feature is the ability to interact with everything around you in order to cause distractions or postone your capture, as shown in the below video.
The game’s Kickstarter just went up with a goal of $100,000 and several videos of the game. Stretch goals include console options, multiplayer, and maybe the ability to swap roles with your neighbor or randomize the house layout. An early backer tier that grants the game for $15, along with a Kickstarter exclusive event is still available at the time of this writeup. The game plans to be out by this time next year.