There’s now officially less than a month until a new Half-Life game is released, which is frankly pretty insane. As such, it’s been very strange that basically zero footage of Half-Life: Alyx has been shown off. That’s finally changed as Valve has released three short gameplay videos showcasing the game in action. Check them out:
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I’ve actually decided not to watch this new footage, as I want to have as close to a blind play-through as possible when I finally get the chance to play Half-Life: Alyx. With the game releasing in just twenty days, the anticipation and anxiety over the release is reaching a fever pitch. Valve clearly wants to bank on that as well, with things like the tie-in with Death Stranding‘s PC release. To be fair, that isn’t anything new; both Resident Evil 6 and Dying Light have had Left 4 Dead 2 cross-overs on Steam.
Odds are pretty good that, no matter what Half-Life: Alyx does, it’s probably going to get simply incredible reviews, but we promise that we’ll bring you our honest opinion no matter what when we publish our own. In the meantime, the entire Half-Life franchise (sans spin-offs and remakes) is free to play up until the release of the new game on the 23rd, so plenty of time to catch up! Not to mention the remake of the original game, Black Mesa, finally completed the Xen update a few months ago; there’s plenty of games to keep your hype in check until release! I just ran through the entire Orange Box, so I’m set to dive in when Half-Life: Alyx releases March 23rd on Steam VR. Too bad it’ll only have a few days before being completely replaced by Resident Evil 3 Remake on April 3rd (only a month away now).