Go for the Accomploshrine in Don’t Starve, bolster your e-pride

The PC edition of Don’t Starve didn’t have any Steam achievements.  Sony insisted that Klei Interactive include them for the Playstation 4 version of the game and being good sports, Klei delivered.  Most of the achievements are simply congratulations, you’re playing the game type achievements, according to Hardcore Gamer.  Then there’s the “and despair!” trophy.  To unlock this majestic prize and truly call yourself a member of the gaming elite, you will need to build the Accomploshrine and use it.

Needless to say, building this thing is a hassle in itself.  To build it, you need to build both the science machine and then the alchemy engine but to actually build the Accomploshrine, you need to find rare items, dropped by monsters that don’t exactly spawn in droves.  Collect the items and you can build the Accomploshrine!

Use the Accomploshrine 25 times and it will shoot out a single firework with the words “I feel so accomplished!” appearing.  But that only unlocks the “Look on my works, ye Mighty,” trophy. God, haven’t they put you through enough?!


To get the “and despair!” trophy, you need to use the Accomploshrine 725 times.  Unlock this trophy and you’ll add another Platinum trophy to your online badge of honour.

Good for you.


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