Ghostwire Tokyo: You Can Pet The Dogs!

Shinji Mikami, the executive producer at Tango Gameworks, gave a short update on Ghostwire: Tokyo in a teaser snippet during this year’s QuakeCon at Home event hosted by Bethesda. Starting the video, Mikami addressed the current “challenging times” we’re living in while showing off out-of-context game footage.

Mikami then got back on topic and thanked everybody “for the amazing reception” that their recent gameplay trailer received. He went on to explain that they are “working hard to make this game even more cool and unique.” After the build-up of suspense, he then said he had an important announcement to make about Ghostwire: Tokyo. Could it be yet another delay? No, it turned out to be something much more whimsical and unexpected:

In Ghostwire: Tokyo, you’ll be able to pet the dog.

Yes, that is it. That’s the announcement. Amid these trying times, what’s really more wholesome than the executive producer of Tango Gameworks taking the time to let us know that we’ll be able to pet dogs in the game? And believe us, we will. Pet. All. The. Dogs. The teaser got bonus points for pointing out that the footage is from a “work in pawgress.”

The recent release of a gameplay trailer in June has us even more curious about the game, even though we’re still not quite sure what it’s about. Knowing we’ll be allowed to pet the dogs, however, lets us rest easy until we learn more.

Check out the new Ghostwire: Tokyo teaser in all its dog-petting glory below!

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