Indie developer Dreadlocks have been busy with their Ghost Theory Kickstarter page as they make their final push for full funding, adding exclusive rewards for anyone participating in the community-led “£10 on the 10th” rally that released as part of their private forums for backers. The latest of these updates is an interactive world map charting all of the real-world locations considered for the game, in which players lead a team of paranormal investigators to explore reports of extremely active hauntings. With the game about 70% funded, fans came up with an initiative to pledge £10 on top of whatever they’ve already pledged to the campaign as part of a funding rally on May 10th so that the game reaches full funding.
With seven days left in the campaign and a motivated fan base, things are looking good for the project. We took a look at this project when it came to Kickstarter last month, and will be following updates on the game’s progress.