Gamescom 2019: Metro Exodus DLC is Out…Right Now

Metro Exodus

Amongst the landslide of new announcements at this latest Gamescom, the next piece of Metro Exodus story DLC was revealed, which isn’t much of surprise given the game has been out for half a year already, but the news is welcome nonetheless.

The expansion is known as The Two Colonels and is set on New Year’s Eve, following Colonel Khlebnikov commuting home through the mutant filled tunnels. Supposedly the expansion features a greater sense of claustrophobia that the first two entries are known for. The trailer below also showcases the new flamethrower weapon from the DLC.

Metro Exodus released last February and created some controversy with 4A Game’s decision to go Epic exclusive on PC after pre-selling the game on Steam (all existing Steam orders were still fulfilled). Despite this, Metro Exodus received fairly positive reviews, and as a result, the next Metro game has already been greenlit.

The Two Colonels is currently available for $7.99 and is part of the $25 season pass and is available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and the Epic Games Store. The DLC is also available for purchase on Steam if you are among those who pre-purchased it there.

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