Gamescom 2017: Delve Into DOOM VFR

Fans of run-and-gun combat series DOOM have a new trailer to dig into as the development team tackles the ins and outs of upcoming addition DOOM VR. Titled From Mars to Hell, the video covers topics like the changes VR creates in combat, the story and setup, and the blisteringly fast-paced fighting players expect from a DOOM title.

I’ll let everyone enjoy the developers’ comments in their own words, so we will just do a quick synopsis here: You’re dropped into the role of a dead scientist whose consciousness is transferred to combat machines around the BFG research and development base.  Players will get to use each machine to kill hordes of enemies, blasting through hundreds of not-so0unassuming monsters to get to reach their goals. Just in case it wasn’t clear, hell yes this game will be incredibly fast and focused on fighting.

DOOM VFR will release for the HTC Vive and PSVR in Q4 2017.

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