Game based on At the Mountains of Madness in development


Team Clockworks, a two-man developer pair from Spain is creating a first person game based around one of H.P. Lovecraft’s more popular stories, At the Mountains of Madness. In this game with the same name, you’ll venture into uncharted territory in order to find fossils and figure out the eldritch mysteries within. The labyrinths inside the titular mountains will be procedurally generated and you will need to scavenge for supplies. There will also be first person shooting involved as you encounter hostile alien beings, dinosaurs, and six-foot tall, blind penguins (it’s a weird story).


Planned for a PC release and powered by Unreal Engine 4, “AtMoM” doesn’t currently have a fixed release date. The game has been Greenlit on Steam and a Kickstarter to help development will follow soon. Some quick beta footage can be found below.

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