Frictional Games, the folks behind Penumbra and Amnesia: The Dark Descent, have begun teasing their next game. Right now all we have is a website that leads to a computer prompt stating that a reboot is imminent, with 2% progress currently standing. My guess is that the more people who view the site, the higher the progress will go, thus revealing more information on the game. We do know that their next game will be horror, so there’s no concern about that.
Thomas Grip, Creative Director at Frictional Games has posted this on Twitter “First breadcrumb is deployed. Now it is just a matter of waiting..”. The hype begins today, folks. Just by looking at the website, I believe that we may see Frictional explore futuristic or space horror. The team has placed us in the 19th century with Dark Descent, so something set in the future could give us an entirely new brand of terror. Who better to do that than Frictional Games, the group that arguably helped revive the survival horror genre?
Update: Frictional Games forum user MidgeS has manipulated the values of the homepage background and found the following text “Cogito ergo sum”. The Latin to English translation is “I think, therefore I am”. The website is currently at 7%. I doubt this is the last secret that will be uncovered for the day.