Frictional teases more of next project

It would seem that Frictional Games isn’t sure if it likes us or not.  Like a modest girl (or a guy) being courted by a potential suitor – they’re not just gonna give it to us.  And Frictional Games definitely knows how to play hard to get.  The website for their next game has just been updated.  No longer is it the blurry picture with the tag line “something is emerging.”  The image has been updated to what looks like a tunnel with a mangled corpse.  But there’s more to it than that.  Of course, with Frictional Games, there’s always more to it than what you see!

A group of *extremely* dedicated fans have been hard at work trying to figure out the mystery and they’ve done a pretty damned fantastic job.  Like the previous tease, clicking on the image sends you on a Google Maps search.  However this time, the search leads us to a very specific location in downtown Seattle – the Smith Tower.  Inside the Smith Tower is a room called…the Chinese Room.  A.K.A – the guys behind the magnificent Dear Esther.

The Chinese Room’s website (not…the actual room, it doesn’t have a website) states that they’re currently at work on three projects.  One of them is a top-secret project known right now by its code name “gameB.”

GameB is the codename for a top secret game we’re working on that will be due out in Q4 2012.  All we can tell you is that it’s a survival horror and we have a fantastic development team working hard right now.  More information will be released in the new year.  The concept art is by Ben Andrews.

And that’s just the easy sleuthing!

Some users poked around at the HTML version of the website and came across a little game of sorts.  A Commodore-styled screen pops up allowing you to enter commands and gather information.  The fans behind it have worked tirelessly to figure it out – and this is what they’ve uncovered.  The image below is comprised of several files.  Anthrax, Ebola, Malaria and E-coli all make appearances.

The missing part of the picture is a piece of the puzzle they haven’t cracked yet

Think you’ve got what it takes to help them crack it?  Head on over to the Frictional Games forums and help em out.  To experience the mind-fuckery for yourself, head on over to the game’s website and piece the clues together for yourself.  The amount of dedication the fans have put into this is pretty amazing.  Kudos guys!

As an aside, I think I’d lose my shit if Dear Esther were actually just a tease for the next Frictional game.


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