First-Person Indie Horror Title Nerved Now Available on PS4 and Switch

If the drought between big releases has you itching for fear, we just learned about a new indie game, Nerved. Released on PS4 and Switch, and developed by Playstige Interactive, Nerved sticks its toe in the waters of first-person horror and with a pretty nice price tag to boot ($8.99). This appears to be their first horror title (their others are a jigsaw puzzle game and a sort of open world-ish landscape painting sim), but this does look very promising for a first pass at the genre.  From their description:

Nerved is a first-person horror game, about a paranormal investigator couple and their latest adventure in the “Bitterwood Forest.” This last case that they have chosen to persuade, will deliver a charnel impact on the couple’s fate, both personally and professionally.

  • Immersive atmospheric environment, large forest area with lots of houses and interior locations as well…
  • Chilling audio cues and music to boost the spooky mood…
  • Items to collect and light puzzle-solving…
  • Use your map to navigate through this dense forest while avoiding 3 different types of ‘enemies’ who will stalk you with their advanced navigational skills…
  • Professional voice narration, macabre and horrific story details told via ‘environmental story-telling’ instead of ‘cutscenes’…
  • Observe gradually a fragmented story to uncover the truth about this mysterious forest…

You can check out the trailer below. It’s actually sort of giving me Blair Witch vibes (which if you don’t recall, we loved) so fingers crossed on this one. We’ll try to get your our thoughts on Nerved soon!

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