First details on The Evil Within’s DLC has arrived

The first of three DLC add-ons for Bethesda’s The Evil Within has been revealed today by the publisher. Entitled “The Assignment”, the first DLC for The Evil Within stars Detective Juli Kidman and her personal journey during the events of the game. Without going into spoiler territory, we’ll get some information on what she experienced and what her goals were.

Additionally, the director of “The Assignment” and its followup, “The Consequences”, has divulged some spoiler-ish information on Juli’s story arch and some gameplay details, including word that the gameplay and the brand of horror will differ in her story. DLC director John Johanus, says that the content will be “much more dark, lonely, and claustrophobic” as well as feel like extensions of chapters 5 and 9 from the main game.

“The Assignment” is expected to arrive early next year. Check out the included Instagram video for some teaser-ific dialogue.


DLC takes hold early next year ! @theevilwithin

Видео опубликовано Bethesda Softworks (@bethesdasoftworks)

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