The final entry in the long-running Resident Evil film franchise begins filming this summer, according to star Milla Jovovich. After originally being delayed due to Jovovich and writer / director husband Paul W.S Anderson’s second child being due, filming of Resident Evil: The Final Chapter is set to begin in August.
Milla Jovovich wrote the following on her Facebook page: “I’m really proud of myself for not gaining the same amount of weight that I did with our first child (75 lbs.) because I have to be ready to start filming ‘Resident Evil- The Final Chapter’ in August of this year and I will also be nursing an infant simultaneously.”
The Resident Evil film series has been active since 2002. Despite what fans and critics may think of them, they do pretty damn well in the box office. All they do for me is make me laugh, then cry, and then laugh again.
[Source, via Bloody Disgusting]