Fight against anxiety with “Sym”, due to be released April 2015


Anxiety continues to be a widespread issue in today’s world and I believe that few people, myself included, actually understand what it means to have anxiety. Our very own Kyle did a wonderful piece about the subject a while back, but those interested in learning more should also keep an eye out for Sym, a 2-dimensional puzzle platformer that portrays what anxiety supposedly feels like.

The player takes control of Josh, or more specifically, they take control of his two alter egos: Caleb and Ammiel. Both personas exist in a different world, one showing Josh’s perception of reality and the other being his mental retreat where he can be alone. Across 44 levels, players will have to solve various puzzles by switching between these two worlds in order to progress. As seen in the video below, the game uses a black & white art-style and the levels look really complex.

While I am not a fan of puzzle platformers myself, I hope the game will do well. What are your thoughts on this project?


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