Fatal Frame inspired indie horror game DreadOut looks to make its way to your PC


It isn’t easy being a Fatal Frame fan in North America, as the past couple entries in the series have yet to see NA releases. However Indonesian indie developer Digital Happiness look as though they may just be able to scratch that itch in their new game DreadOut. 

The premise of the game is a group of high school students stumble upon a deserted town while on vacation. However shortly after arriving they quickly discover that this town may not be as deserted as it seemed, as they encounter a wealth of “East Asian Mythical Ghosts”. The games protagonist Linda, also finds that something is happening to her, as she is imbued with a sort of spiritual power she can use at her own discretion to help herself and her friends survive the ordeal they now find themselves in. Linda will be armed with an array of everyday items such as a smartphone, digital camera, and a video camera to deal with obstacles and the spirits currently residing within the deserted town.

The game looks as though it’ll have both third and first person control schemes, with the player navigating the environments with a standard over the shoulder perspective, but it will shift to first person whenever you want to use your digital camera to photograph something. Later in the preview video though, we see a tablet version of the game where Linda is being controlled via touch interactions and the perspective is in a fixed camera view like older survival horror titles like the classic Fatal Frame games.

One notable thing I couldn’t help but take away from the trailer is it looks as though DreadOut may contain it’s fair share of humor as well, at the 7 second mark of the video Linda slams the door on right in one of her classmates face.

Currently there isn’t a ton of information on Dreadout available in English, but there are Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube pages as well as its own website available for anyone to follow. So if you’re at all interested in following the game I’d check with any of those. However if you’ve seen enough and would like to actually support this project then head over to the Steam Greenlight page and give them a yes to show your support.


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