Hey, you know that thing they do in every Alien film? Well now it’s a full-on multiplayer mode! Gearbox has revealed the new miltiplayer game mode ‘Escape’. In it, you do exactly that. Four playable humans must make their way through a map, all the way to the end in order to reach safety. Hindering their advancement are four playable xenomorphs.
Escape Mode allows for three different types of xenomorphs to be chosen: Soldier, Lurker, and Spitter. Each class has their own unique attributes. Their goal is to hunt down every last human. Tasty.
I really hope that this game can deliver. It’s been in development for a very long time and that sometimes leads to an awkward experience. Gearbox should be familiar with this as they released Duke Nukem Forever. Hopefully Colonial Marines will not suffer from its long development and be the Aliens game that fans have waited for.
Alien: Colonial Marines releases on February 12th.