EA has just released a very awesome teaser motion comic for what is most likely Dead Space 3. The teaser is much like the motion comics we have seen in the past for Dead Space. In this one, Earthgov Sergeant John Carver witness an attack on a dormant red marker on the planet Uxor. The marker’s containment is exposed by an unknown entitiy and a resulting EMP wave shoots from it. Once the dust settles, Carver is faced with a necromorph horde.
There is no doubt that this is a teaser for Dead Space 3. The official website for the series lists the video as a teaser for “a new chapter in the Dead Space saga”. You know what that means.
Now, is Carver just character tool for the sake of showing how a new necromoph invasion starts or is he something more? Perhaps Isaac’s replacement? Perhaps even a co-op partner if all those previous rumors (besides co-op) were wrong. We’re only a week away from E3. Be sure to keep a lookout for the super-official-you-don’t-say announcement for Dead Space 3.
[Source, via Destructoid]