E3 2016: Twisted Pixel Announces Wilson’s Heart

Wilson't Heart

Indie developer Twisted Pixel have announced their first game since the company split from Microsoft. The Austin-based team released a trailer for upcoming Oculus exclusive Wilson’s Heart, a story about a set of patients trapped in a haunted 1940’s hospital. You play the character of Wilson, awaking in the surgical ward with no heart and no idea why it was replaced with a strange device. You must work with other patients to escape the hospital, find your heart, and discover why it was taken.

Wilson’s Heart features actors Rosario Dawson and Alfred Molina as fellow patients, and Peter Weller as the voice of Wilson. The game is rendered completely in black and white, taking cues from The Twilight Zone in its interpretation of a midcentury mystery. The hospital and its ghastly inhabitants will be coming to Oculus in 2017.

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