E3 2013: The Evil Within gets first gameplay footage!

Finally, after what feels like a dog’s age, we’ve got in-game footage from Shinji Mikami and Bethesda’s new The Evil Within. I can’t even tell you how excited I am right now. Check out that stealth! That cinemascope aspect ratio! Holy hell! A new chainsaw guy!? I’m all over The Evil Within, but enough from me–here’s the first footage!

As a huge REmake and Resident Evil 4 fan, I’m beyond stoked. I can’t tell you how in love I am with the aspect ratio (reminds me of Resident Evil 4‘s widescreen aspect ratio on GameCube), and the tone is somewhere between REmake and Saw–two very good sources of horror art direction in my opinion. Also, for any of you who where afraid there was going to be too much gunplay in this game, I hope this video quells some of your fears. Watching Sebastian scurry around weaponless really got my blood pumping, and even with the people talking over the video, I still found myself jumping a little a few times. I seriously cannot wait for The Evil Within. How about you?

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