A new trailer for WB Games and Techland’s Mirror’s-Edge-meets-Dead-Island open world survival horror game has hit the web, this time focusing on the game’s narrative rather than gameplay.
Putting you in the shoes of undercover agent Kyle Crane, Dying Light explores the trials and tribulations that a group of survivors trapped in Harran, a city under quarantine, as humanity withers away before their eyes (in more ways than one). The trailer features several side characters that will either aide of hinder Crane during his stay in Harran, including a nervous parkour instructor and a sinister-looking bearded man brandishing a gun whose speech pattern is not unlike a Bond villain. Judging by the numerous emotional outburst present in the trailer (including one frazzled bloke who takes out his anger on a poor television set) as well as such heavy lines as “You’ve just doomed thousands of innocent people,” Dying Light seems to be just as nihilistic as the trailer’s use of an Albert Camus quote would suggest.
You can pick up Dying Light on PS4, Xbox One and PC in just over a month when it launches on January 27th, 2015.