Dying Light: The Following Gets a Story Teaser


Immunes? Magic? Domesticated zombies? The latest trailer for Dying Light’s upcoming expansion, The Following, is a teaser in the very sense of the word.

The new storyline for 2015’s premier zombie romp is briefly detailed in the trailer, something about a way out of Harran, running low on the Antizen, and a cryptic mumbling about “The Mother”. Those who have been keeping up on the game know that The Following is part of the season pass, and is included in the upcoming re-release of the game known as Dying Light: Enhanced Edition.

Despite nearing the anniversary of its release, Techland refuses to let Dying Light die. The Following is expected to launch on February 9th on all platforms, priced at $20. Techland offered a handy info-graphic so you know what you have, or don’t have to do to get The Following.


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