Dying Light: The Following Enhanced Edition Announced, Includes All DLC, Major Improvements And More

Wow, this is actually pretty unexpected. Game of the Year Editions are pretty common fair these days, regardless of whether or not the game in question actually received any Game of the Year awards. These typically re-release games with all or most of the DLC either pre-included on the disk or offered as free codes in the box. But the developers behind Dying Light seem to have taken it one step further, and I applaud them for it, especially since the new features are apparently free for existing players.

Not only does the newly announced Dying Light: The Following Enhanced Edition include all of the already available DLC as well as the forthcoming The Following campaign, it also appears to be a total overhaul of the game as a whole. Techland is boasting improved visuals, new NPC character models, gameplay quality improvements, improved enemy AI, enhanced facial expressions and much more. This is remarkable on a lot of levels, and I’m really blown away by this apparent dedication to improving the game- it’s an incredible way of keeping a game alive so many months after its release. The improvements are also going to be free for anyone who already owns the game, which already puts it way ahead of other “improved” editions of it’s kind like the many, many versions of Street Fighter 4 and more.  The improvements update and the boxed retail release drop on February 9th of next year.

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