Dying Light 2 Is Now Being Published By Square Enix And What That Could Mean

Dying Light

It’s been known for some time now that developer Techland had taken over the publishing right for Dying Light 2, moving away from their previous publisher WB games. However, it seems that things have changed, sorta, as Square Enix will be taking over publishing rights exclusively for the North America region.

As for what this could mean for Techland and Dying Light 2? Well, hopefully, any influence Square Enix may have over the development of the game won’t translate into anything eyebrow-raising such as questionable monetization scheme, but I don’t particularly think anything like that will happen here. However, because Square Enix is publishing, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see some grossly overpriced collector’s edition that many major Square releases get. It is worth noting that since the publishing will only apply to the Americas, any overpriced Square Enix collector’s editions will most likely be reserved for U.S. buyers unless something changes. So if you’re outside the U.S., and massive bundles of merch are your thing, then you might wanna start saving.

Additionally, this acquisition just further demonstrates Square’s increasing aggressive business tactics and an attempt to diversify their palette of games they push out. In the past, the company has expressed a desire to invest more in new IPs, as has been demonstrated with Left Alive, The Quiet Man, and the recent teasing of Outriders. With this in mind, don’t be surprised if Square manages to pick up publishing rights for a few more games within the next few years.

In the original announcement tweet, Techland promised that more news would come this E3, presumably at Square Enix’s E3 Showcase, which will be happening this upcoming Monday, June 10th at 9:00 pm EST. As we get closer, it seems like the show is getting pretty packed with games.

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