Shortly after NVIDIA made waves in the PC gaming community with the announcement of the competitively priced GeForce GTX 1080 and 1070 GPUs, id Software showed off a short demo of the new DOOM. What we saw was from the game’s singleplayer, and it’s gameplay was appropriately fast-paced and violent, unlike most of its trailers which feature slow gameplay but fast edit cuts.

The clip is short, but it definitely raised my hopes for the game. It’s reminiscent of some faster playthroughs of past DOOM games and Brutal DOOM. Whether all that frantic action will feel rewarding after several hours remains unknown until the game is in hands later this week. But, hey, it’s looking alright at a glance. Let’s hope it is.

And if you’re curious, Bethesda has released the launch details for DOOM. This includes unlock times and PC system requirement; they’re on the higher-end, certainly a tier above what I currently have. Looks like I’m in need of an upgrade.

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