DOOM Eternal Refocuses Single-player Horde Mode, Drops Invasion Plans

DOOM Eternal

In the most recent DOOM Eternal Development Update, executive producer Marty Stratton shared some insights on the past, present, and future of the game.

In case you missed it, after having released two single-player DLCs, which include The Ancient Gods – Part One and Part Two over the course of the last few months, id Software also released the sixth update to DOOM Eternal on June 29th, which added a whole bunch of features. Most notable of which is a next-gen upgrade that offers, “improved visuals, increased performance, and support for ray tracing and 4K resolution at 60 frames per second.”

We’ve also learned that Nintendo Switch players, who only received The Ancient Gods – Part One in mid-June, will be able to enjoy The Ancient Gods – Part Two, “later this year.”

Stratton further pointed out that due to the impact of COVID-19, the Invasion Mode they had originally planned for the game has either canceled or put on hold, as development has not progressed as the team would have liked.

This is what Stratton had to say about what they are doing instead:

With these factors in mind, we have decided to redirect our focus from Invasion Mode to creating a totally new single-player horde mode. We’re confident this horde mode will offer you more of the diversity and challenge you’re looking for in the game. In addition, the team continues to work on a refresh of BATTLEMODE that includes a more competitive, rank-based structure, a number of gameplay and balance updates and another new map.

Initial reactions to this news have so far been mostly positive. I would definitely agree that while an Invasion Mode would be amazing, I can also understand the difficulties the integration can bring with it. And let us not forget: what game other than DOOM Eternal would be more deserving of a proper Horde Mode?

After the Australian ratings board accidentally leaked another id project titled “2021B” a couple of days ago, there’s been a lot of speculation about what they have cooking. We could be getting even more DOOM, or given it’s the year of Quake‘s 25th anniversary, there could even be a solid chance for a long-awaited DOOM 2016-style remake of the O.G. Quake.

We can expect more news on all things DOOM in August when QuakeCon goes down. Until then, you can check out the DOOM Eternal – Official Update 6 Launch Trailer below.

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