Doom 4 was rebooted because of its likeness to other shooters


Bethesda really went all out with their inaugural E3 press conference. They showed off a good amount of gameplay from Doom, giving us a great look at the game’s fast-paced, brutal gunplay and melee. Recently, Polygon sat down with Bethesda’s Pete Hines for a video interview.

It was revealed that the original incarnation of Doom 4, announced back in 2008, was scrapped altogether, leading to the new version we see today, which started development in 2013. The reason for the reboot being: It wasn’t “Doom enough.” He states:

“You can probably close your eyes and imagine a ‘Call of Doom’ or a ‘BattleDoom’ game, where it starts to feel way too much like: ‘Wait, this doesn’t feel like Doom, it feels like we’re playing some other franchise with a Doom skin on it.'”

What do you guys think about Doom so far?



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