No, not DOOM: Eternal (which I will never stop reminding people is DOOM 5), the upcoming game from Bethesda and id Software. The actual DOOM 2, from 1994. Modders have created a new 64 player (with 8 bots) mode that apes Battle Royale games with a large map (made up of three smaller ones from the original game), random weapon, ammo, and power up spawns and even the shrinking play area. While this is a pretty neat addition to a classic game, I can’t help but wonder if the world really needed this. Oh well. I’m sure we’ll have Battle Royale Resident Evil or something next.
This was developed by Retrodex Gaming who says that this is only a “very rough work so far, and more a proof of concept than the final product,” adding that they’ve “hit a huge hiccup when it comes to getting any more than 32 bots in the map, but that may be due to my severe lack of RAM at the moment!”. Guess you can ditch Fortnite and PUBG, folks. DOOM 2 is where it’s at. I guess. You can check it out in action below, and if you want to try it yourself you can download the mod here.