Some new Gamescom footage of DmC has revealed some more information on Dante’s beef with Raptor News Network.
Pulled into a somewhat virtual world filled with flashy logo graphics and banners the likes of what can be found on professional news networks, Dante seeks out an anchor with conservative views on religion and patriotism–who’s also a demon. Labeling Dante as a terrorist, the demon-run news network and its anchor sets out to destroy Dante, all the while broadcasting their dispute under the lens of Dante being the bad guy. DmC producer Alex Jones calls Raptor News Network a parody of “one particular American outlet that shall go unnamed”. I see what they did there. That plump, angry conservative rings a few bells as well.
DmC seems to enjoy incorporating satire and social commentary into its story: finally something new and interesting. I know my opinion will not be popular with Devil May Cry fans, but largely, the stories for the games were pretty meh. Dante’s personality was also nothing more than the Japanese bad ass archetype found in hundreds–perhaps thousands–of Anime. That was cool when I was twelve years old.
Sure, new Dante appears to be a western bad ass archetype, but my experience with Ninja Theory’s Enslaved has made me confident in their character development skills. I expect this Dante to be more than just a quip and a nonchalant attitude–which Dante has been in every prior game.
